19 May 2009

The Bruiser

THE BRUISER, C. CHURCHILL (once the Rev'd!) in the Character of a Russian Hercules. Regaling himself after having Kill'd the Monster Caricaturea that so sorely Gall'd his Virtuous friend, the Heaven born WILKES!

But he had a Club this Dragon to Drub, or he had ne'er don'it, I warrant ye --- Dragon of Wantley

Designed and Engraved by Wm Hogarth Price 1s 6d n Publish'd according to act of Parliament August 1. 1763

Hogarth - depicting himself here in the foreground, in the character of his own pug-dog - is ridiculing the satirist, critic and poet, Charles Churchill (ally of the radical politician John Wilkes, who Hogarth considered an enemy).

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